Heretics of Dune (Dune Chronicles, Book 5)

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Simon Vance, Frank Herbert, Domingo Santos, Guy Abadia, Bill Ransom: Heretics of Dune (Dune Chronicles, Book 5) (Hardcover, 2001, Bt Bound)

Library binding

English language

Published March 11, 2001 by Bt Bound.

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3 stars (2 reviews)

With more than ten million copies sold, Frank Herbert's magnificent Dune books stand among the major achievements of the human imagination. In this, the fifth and most spectacular Dune book of all, the planet Arrakis--now called Rakis--is becoming desert again. The Lost Ones are returning home from the far reaches of space. The great sandworms are dying. And the children of Dune's children awaken from empire as from a dream, wielding the new power of a heresy called love...

18 editions

"Dune-ko heretikoak"

4 stars

Miles Teg-en pertsonaia gustatu zait, eta oro har liburuak aurreko "Jainko-enperador"-en haria jarraitu arren, Bene Gesseriten azalean sartzen gaitu. Sexuak hartzen duen garrantzia ere interesgarria egin zait, askotan zi-fi arloan baztertua izaten da eta. Kritika bezala, uste dut Woff eta Bene-Tleilaxei buruzko informazio gehiago, eta haien ikuspuntua falta dela uste dut. Bene Gesseriten ikuspuntua da nagusia eta batzuetan gauza bera beste leku batetik ikusteak uste dut eleberria hobetuko zukeela. Hala ere gustatu zait!


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