La roda del cel

236 pages

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Published by Duna Llibres.

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4 stars (3 reviews)

La roda celestial és una novel·la sinistrament profètica en què Ursula K. Le Guin aborda de manera magistral els perills del poder absolut i la capacitat d'autodestrucció de l'ésser humà, alhora que es qüestiona la naturalesa de la mateixa realitat.

En un futur distòpic en George Orr, un dibuixant de plànols que viu a Portland, pren drogues perquè pensa que els seus somnis alteren la realitat. Obligat per les autoritats, començarà teràpia amb el psiquiatra i investigador de somnis William Haber, que mirarà d’ajudar-lo encara que sembli inversemblant.

Una de les novel·les més destacades i singulars d’Ursula K. Le Guin, una de les escriptores nord-americanes més reconegudes, amb milions de còpies venudes i traduïda a més de quaranta llengües. Aclamada per crítica i lectors, ha sigut guanyadora de moltíssims premis de ciència-ficció i també diversos premis a la seva trajectòria com a escriptora, com el dels National Book Awards.

18 editions

The Jellyfish doesn't swim, but floats.

4 stars

Full spoiler free review here : [...] “Reality is an odd choice of word, when all that shapes it is a dream”, thinks the jellyfish.

We meet George Orr in the middle of an overdose. Whilst society deems him an addict, his issue is one much greater than that : he is a Dreamer.

His bed is a boat with no helm to speak of, and as he catches odd things shift in the world behind his eyes, so too does reality shape itself anew. The change terrifies him.

Should Orr attempt to swim ? Should Orr dream with intent, for the betterment of humankind, to become the Lathe of a heaven of his own making ? Or should Orr rid himself of this terrible and frightening power ? “Worse…” he thinks. “if my dreams have such potency… what will come with my nightmares ?”

reviewed The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin

A development of medical and societal ethics through the lens of a sci fi thriller

5 stars

A slow-burn psychological thriller that ramps up to a fever pitch while hitting quite a few strong notes along the way.

The Lathe of Heaven is uniquely gripping because its themes seem to morph so fluidly throughout the novel, giving just enough breath to each to offer social commentary while still leaving plenty of air for the reader to ponder the implications. Just to name a few, the book hits on self medication, spiraling into incarceration, medical/psychological research and its ethical implications, weighing ethical responsibilities to individuals against humanity at large, our duty to monitor our unconscious biases and an amnesic fading grasp on reality. Explored in a surrealist fictional present, these topics are provided with enough distance from our real-world understanding to mull them over with fresh eyes.

Of these, I was particularly interested in the ethics of research science as these considerations still ripple through the field of …

Weirdest thing I've read by Le Guin

4 stars

It's funny how of all the books I've read by Le Guin, the one that's set on a baseline plausible Earth-in-my-lifetime would turn out to be the weirdest. Also funny how in what starts as a pretty reasonable extrapolation from 1971 to ~2000 has one repeated glaring error: multiple references to the perfect cone of Mount St. Helen's.

Against that background, we get a story of a man running away from his dreams because they give him a power he doesn't understand and can't control. And another man who wants to channel that power, setting up a modern Daoist fable about the hubris of trying to control too much.


  • Dreams
  • Fiction
  • Fiction in English
  • Science fiction
  • Dystopian fiction
  • Nature
  • Psychotherapist and patient
  • Social change
  • Effect of human beings on
  • Dreams -- Fiction
  • Fiction, science fiction, general