Gay books by gay creators Public

Created by Llaverac

If they're at the top of the list, I liked them a lot. If they're near the bottom, I didn't.

  1. Deadbeat Druid by  (The Adam Binder Novels, #3)

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    The living cannot be allowed to infect the dead.

    Adam Binder has lost what matters most to him. Having finally …

  2. Of Echoes Born by 

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    Outside a hospital in Ottawa, a heartbeat returns long enough for a good-bye. Downtown, a man steps into shadows of …

  3. Lord Mouse by  (Lord of Davenia, #1)

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    Scoundrel by nature and master thief by trade, Mouse is the best there is. Sure, his methods may not make …

  4. Sea, Swallow Me and Other Stories by 

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    Ancient folklore and modern myth come together in these stories. Here are found the struggles of a medieval Japanese monk, …

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