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Karaboudjan rated Star Wars : Jedi Path: 2 stars

Daniel Wallace: Star Wars : Jedi Path (2011, becker&mayer! books)
Star Wars : Jedi Path by Daniel Wallace
Lost your copy of the Jedi training manual? Don't worry, you can borrow Luke Skywalker's -- it's been passed down …
Karaboudjan rated Los vencejos: 4 stars
Karaboudjan rated ¿Qué estás mirando?: 5 stars

¿Qué estás mirando? by Will Gompertz
"We all know what Modern Art looks like. We've seen Monet's water lilies, we've admired Picasso's nudes, and we've gawked …
Karaboudjan rated Prisoners of Geography: 4 stars
Karaboudjan rated V for Vendetta: 5 stars
Karaboudjan rated Danubia: 5 stars
Karaboudjan rated La energía nuclear salvará el mundo: 5 stars
Karaboudjan rated Arte gótico: 5 stars
Karaboudjan rated Harry Potter i l'orde del Fènix: 4 stars

Harry Potter i l'orde del Fènix by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a fantasy novel written by British author J. K. Rowling and …
Karaboudjan rated The Invention of Art: 4 stars
Karaboudjan rated Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal: 5 stars

J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal (Spanish language, 2001)
Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter #1
When mysterious letters start arriving on his doorstep, Harry Potter has never heard of Hogwarts School of …
Karaboudjan rated Historia De Roma: 5 stars
Karaboudjan rated La veritat sobre el cas Harry Quebert: 5 stars

La veritat sobre el cas Harry Quebert by Joël Dicker
Joël Dicker traducció d'Imma Falcó
Karaboudjan rated Harry Potter i la cambra secreta (Harry Potter, #2): 4 stars

Harry Potter i la cambra secreta (Harry Potter, #2) by J. K. Rowling, Minalima Design
Harry Potter #2
Throughout the summer holidays after his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter …